Electronic Journal “CURRENT ISSUES NLS-diagnostics”, official media organ of the International Academy of nonlinear systems diagnosis (Certificate of registration of mass media El number FS77-52 133 from 11.12.2012g)

ACTUAL ASPECTS OF NLS-DIAGNOSTICS is the professional medical journal. Latest news about NLS-diagnostic systems market, research and practice articles on topical question of NLS-diagnostics for general practitioners, therapists, surgeons and specialized doctors. Regular columns for scientists and medical students.

Intended readers: practicing physician of various specializations: surgeons, endocrinologists, cardiologists, rheumatologists, psychoneurologists, pulmonologists, gastroenterologists, E.N.T. specialists, dermatovenerologists, urino-nephrologists, gynecologists and family doctors.

Main subject: the journal has practical orientation and publishes articles created by leading experts and opinion leaders addressing topical issues of NLS-diagnostics of wide nosological range; modern methods and algorithms of non-linear diagnostics of diseases and traumas.

These issues have a particular interest and practical significance for everyday work of therapists and practicing physicians – the intended readers of the journal.